Restoring the harmony in balance that nature intended

Holistic Movements is a repetition of the natural steps of neuro-motor development in human beings.

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Can you answer yes to any of the following?

Do you have difficulties interpreting books, articles and other texts?

Do you find it difficult to write?

Do you find yourself mixing-up letters and words as you write?

Do you have poor coordination and rhythm?

Do you have trouble with spacing? (For example: when parking a car)

Do you find it difficult to express your feelings in writing?

Do you find it difficult to read or concentrating?

Do you struggle with sports or dancing?

Do you struggle with math or similar abstract ideas?

Do you or someone you know suffer from...

Concentration Problems
Difficulty Breathing
(Including Asthma)
Balance Coordination
Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Slow Neuro Motor Development
(as early as 6 months of age)
Motion Sickness
Stuttering for Adults & Children
Reading or Writing Disabilities
and Speech Impediments
Crossed Eyes
Fears of heights or spinning
Selective Mutism

If so, Holistic Movements can help!

The essence of Holistic Movements is the inborn Neuroplasticity that rebuilds:
       • neurocircuits
       • the gaps that may occur in the brain
        • boost the neuro system

Neuroplasticity is the capacity of the nervous system to develop new neuronal connections. Neuro transmitter is a chemical substance released from a nerve fiber that effects the transfer of an impulse to another nerve or muscle. Neuro-circuit is a functional entity of interconnected neurons that is able to regulate its own activity using a feeback loop.

Holistic Movements along with emotional and cognitive development will promote healing and a shift on:
       • Social Behavior
        • Balance Skills
       • Speech Disorders
       • Define Right hand/Left hand

It is treating the cause, the foundation of the symptoms. It means that the brain can relearn. Early learning is about standing and falling, not words. It is using the floor, where the child can role, creeping, crawling, and walking that she is able to speak and think. Learn how to know and use the space where she/he is. It is the beginning of the expression of her/his Being.

Our Method / Padovan Method

What is Holistic Movements/Padovan Method? If you or a loved one struggle with any of these issues, Holistic Movements / Padovan Method (HM/PM) will help you. Through a simple series of repetitive movements (swinging, rolling, creeping, walking with hands and feet on the floor, and marching) which stimulates the nerve cells in the brain and allows it to reach its appropriate development. In essence HM/PM accelerates and rebuilds the conductibility process of nerve cells thereby reestablishing neurological functions necessary to improve focus, reading and writing skills. HM/PM works according to your own brain maturity. It is not physical training but a neurological maturing. The method accelerates the rebuilding of the conductibility process of nerve cells reestablishing the neurological functions. HM/PM works with the brain "as it is" tailoring the treatment to each client's neurological maturity. It is not a "one size fits all" approach.

Benefits of Holistic Movements / Padovan Method

HM/PM helps with walking, speaking and thinking all at the same time. HM/PM can help many parts of the brain simultaneously because much of brain function is interconnected. So, the same few HM/PM exercises help a wide range of difficulties. You will be able to increase your concentration on daily activities, increase your coordination and balance in sports, improve your reading and writing skills, your organization of thoughts and feelings, and your quality of life with your diagnosis. Using HM/PM, you become proficient in your reading and writing skills, better your concentration, coordination, rhythm and balance in all life activities. Though focused on one specific goal, it is not uncommon to see other areas improve as the therapy progresses. This is what happens through the connection body and neuro -plasticity:The Being does for itself...The Nature infinitely transforms itself...and together we can achieve for all.Gerardo Blanco, MD and his team

Personal Statement

One of the great benefits of this therapy is its holistic approach. If we observe all movements that occur in nature, we will attain healing. Nature is holistic, as is each human being. Holistic means treating the whole person, including mental and social factors, rather than just the symptoms of the disease. This therapy, in restoring broken connections and rebuilding functions, is a natural process. I love my job because I can see, feel and recognize great and deep results using Neuro-Functional Reorganizational therapy.Lorena Vietor, Holistic Movements, LLC
"I can help you through physical movements without stress and no anxiety. The brain can relearn."    - Lorena Vietor
Lorena Vietor

My name is Lorena Vietor. I am licensed and certified as a Holistic Life Coach, Functional Training Specialist, Personal Fitness Trainer, and Holistic Stress Management Specialist in the USA and Speech Pathologist in Brazil. I have spent my professional career practicing the Padovan Method, along with my speech pathology education because of its applications in speech pathology.

In my 34 years of using the Padovan Method, I see remarkable success treating a wide variety of clients. Typical clients come for help with autism, selective mutism, dyslexia, to recover from strokes or brain injuries. I can help with many symptoms created by trauma. I also work well children with developmental disorders.

I have been treating kids and adults locally, out of state, and out of country. The experiences have been enjoyable for both myself and my clients with excellent improvement. The intense treatments have customized timelines for each client but sometimes we can see improvement the same day! In front of the parents and the therapist.It is amazing what we can achieve using the  Padovan Method intensively to positively affect their walking, sensibility of touch, chewing, behavior, verbalizing more sounds, etc. This intense treatment has been used with Autism, Selective Mutism, Neurological  Disease, SABT2, seizures and can be done with any difficulty that the client has presented.  

2-Treating SABT2 children
I had the opportunity to improve some of these children intensively using the Padovan Method. We (both the parents and me) had amazing results, not only seeing physical  movements but also general and important improvements during the week.

Academic Education
May 2013
Certified Holistic Life Coach GA, USA

May 28, 2009
Holistic Stress Management GA, USA

January 14, 2009
Functional Training Specialist GA, USA

September 11, 2007
Personal Fitness Training GA, USA

December 1980
Bachelor/Masters of Science in Speech Pathology at the Pontificia Universidade Catolica de Campinas in Sao Paulo, Brazil


1st Stage:
Walking and Wanting

In the first stage, we examine the physical progression from walking to speaking to thinking. In the second stage, we look at the accompanying cognitive and emotional development of wanting, feeling and thinking. Now we underline the connection between body and mind by seeing exploring the relationship between these two lines of parallel development.

2nd Stage:
Speaking and Feeling

Although for the sake of clarity, we are looking at this development in parts, it is important to remember that while we have dominant stages during this process, this does not mean that the other ones have stopped developing. The first pairing, that of walking and wanting, occurs because the walking movements are the impulse to want. When the child starts to walk, he/she is able to take what he/she wants. Now, the atavistic cognitive process has more development in order to refine the physical body-mind. Through speech, the child is able to express his/her feelings, what she/he does or does not like. Even before experimenting with language, feeling can be manifested through crying, which we can consider the first speech.

3rd Stage:
Thinking and Thinking

Finally, while the thinking process started when the child was able to focus and take what he/she wanted, it further develops and becomes the dominate stage after speech. This is because developing speaking provides the neurological advancement to further the level of thinking. Again, it is vital to remember that the whole body-mind connection is a holistic process because it happens together, nothing is unrelated. In conclusion, neuro-motor development is extremely important is in reaching cognitive and emotional maturity. This is reached by love, coherence in words and attitudes from the people around us, space to move to reach one's desires and opportunities to speak be heard. We have to keep in mind this holistic process each time we have a client in front of us.
"Language is a result of the Neurological Organization."
-Beatriz Padovan

BEING. Five points of Holistic Movements/Padovan Method


Holistic Movements is a repetition of the natural steps of neuro-motor development in human beings.


Holistic Movements is a method that treats adults and children who have lost or never had normal development because of disease, accident or an immaturity existing since birth.


Through the repetition of the natural steps of neuro-motor development of human being, connections can be rebuilt in the brain because of our inborn Neuroplastcity.


People can recover mental and physical balance and the ability to focus and concentrate, self-awareness can be developed.


As physical balance is recovered, so is emotional and cognitive development.

What People Say About Holistic Movements

It is with great pleasure that I write about my son and my experience working with Lorena Vietor.   Lorena worked with my 6 year old son, Daniel for 7 months, once per week.   Daniel has ADHD, which has affected his ability to focus, to regulate his energy, and to make friends.  Lorena used a sequence of exercises (The Padovan Technique) to help Daniel, as I understand, balance his brain energies.  Daniel gained confidence in gross motor activities, such as jumping rope and crossing the monkey bars, as well as, his ability to understand emotions and begin to regulate his feelings.  In time, Lorena also incorporated drawing and discussions while working with Daniel.”

I have been doing Holistic Movements training with Lorena Vietor for 14 weeks. I am a 48 year old male with ADHD. I have noticed a great improvement in my handwriting; it is a lot more legible and more fluid. I have started typing, and reading comprehension has improved. The left side of my body has become more coordinated. My hand-eye coordination has improved, and my eyes are less sensitive to bright lights. These subtle changes have improved my confidence and communication skills. I would recommend this therapy to anyone of any age.

Lorena was consistently patient and compassionate, but also firm and clear with Daniel.  She went above and beyond, by talking with us (his parents) about Daniel’s strengths and possibilities for school choices.  She believed in Daniel and his abilities and encouraged us to recognize these.  Lorena is someone who is honest, capable, and hard working.  She clearly loves her students, and is a master in using the Padovan technique.  As a parent and educator myself, I have no hesitation in recommending Lorena as a therapist.

I have been diagnoses with Dyslexia and ADHD. In the three months that I have been doing Holistic Movements training with Lorena Vietor, I can see many changes in my writing and comprehension. I have also noticed changes in my behavior. I have become more coordinated. I have also noticed I make less mistakes and transpositions, and I am more comfortable and less frustrated communicating verbally. Written correspondence and my reading comprehension have greatly increased. There are also subtle changes like being able to whistle when I have never been able to whistle, improved handwriting, and improved hand-eye coordination. This therapy has changed my life, and I would recommend this to everyone. My whole outlook on life has changed, I am more at peace with myself and I feel very confident in dealing with people in life. Confidence and higher self-esteem were some of my accomplishments with this therapy.

"I observed that the following problems improved:
At her age, she should be saying a lot of words, but she was limited to “mom” and “dad”.
She didn’t want to repeat the words she already said.
She would fall over even though she was walking on plane surfaces.
After therapy, she had a remarkable betterment.
She’s talking a lot more with good pronunciation in English and Spanish.
If I ask her to say new words she can repeat them several times, some well and some not.
She’s not falling over and she runs a lot when she’s playing, I’m not worried about it anymore."

"Hello, my name is Salwa, I’m Isabella’s and Allison’s mother.
What I can say about Ms. Lorena is that she’s a kind and professional person, she briefed me about everything she has done with my kids.
The exercises she did are great and effective."

"I want to recommend Lorena 110%. She is the most professional and personable therapist that has taken care of my 4 year old son. I found out about her from a mom in my Facebook group. We travel from Florida to Atlanta to meet her and do her therapy for 1 week. We were pleasantly surprised. After 1-2 days of therapy with Lorena my son started sleeping better and seemed to be more balanced. It was hard work but so worth it. She has a big warm heart. She knows so much and is always in control in a sweet way. If I could, I would bring her with us back to Florida to continue therapy.

"Before starting this therapy on September 4th, 2019, she had these problems, which have improved:
She would stress a lot while doing homework.
She would get angry and worried when making a mistake.
She was sleeping crossed and moving all over the bed.
She walked with one foot in front of the other.
Now, after therapy:
She’s more relaxed and aware of her homework.
She doesn’t get mad when she makes a mistake but calms down and looks for the problem.
She now sleeps straight and settles to the sides.
When she walks, she almost doesn’t put her feet in the front, only occasionally."

"Our 6 year-old son has been working with Lorena most of this school year and we have seen dramatic improvements.  She was recommended by our doctor based on recommendations from his school for midline issues and being “behind” on his skills.  We saw results in a matter of weeks with respect to his frustration and anger.  Over time, he has seen improvements in his sleep, bowel movements, confidence, cooperation, eye tracking, mouth tone, mastery of the therapeutic exercises, and balance.  He was previously unable to handle or express his emotions and can now process his feelings and work through them.  He went from being terrified of the monkey bars to excitedly crossing them.  He is now steadily improving in his ability to jump rope.  Lorena is loving but firm and patient with our son, even when he has an off day.  We are so thankful to have found her because she has made a huge, positive impact on our son and his development which has made our home life much happier."
May 2021